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Buttock Lift (Lower Body Lift)

A shapely butt is a physical feature that most people desire. Unfortunately, many individuals are less than satisfied with their backside as they get older due to the effects of weight loss after weight gain, gravity, and genetics. A buttock lift can eliminate wrinkles and sagging while restoring an attractive appearance to a person’s backside.

Buttock lift surgery can correct the following:

  • Wrinkles or dimples in the buttocks
  • Sagging skin on the buttocks
  • Excess fat deposits in the buttocks

Good Candidates for Buttock Lift Surgery

Men and women are good candidates for a buttock lift. Individuals may also be candidates for a thigh lift if excess skin and fat exist in the thighs. Dr. Conrad will determine the procedure(s) that will best meet your goals during your consultation.

The Procedure

A buttock lift is usually performed with general anesthesia. There are several different techniques that may be used: fat grafting, buttock implants, an excisional procedure, or a combination of these techniques. Regardless of the method, inconspicuous incisions will be made in the natural creases of the body to make scarring as discreet as possible. The buttocks are recontoured to a more attractive shape, and incisions are closed with sutures. The entire procedure usually takes one to three hours to complete depending on the technique(s) used.


Recovery time will vary among patients depending on their ability to heal as well as the amount of correction performed. Most patients feel comfortable and presentable enough to return to work within five to seven days. Once a full and proper recovery has been made, patients will be free to enjoy their new and improved buttock contours.


The benefits of a buttock lift are immediately apparent and will continue to improve over the coming weeks as swelling subsides. Patients can feel confident about themselves knowing their backside is noticeably more attractive and projects a more youthful physique.

If you are interested in undergoing a buttock lift, please schedule a consultation with our Wichita practice today. Call (316) 681-2227 or fill out our online contact form to get started. Dr. Conrad and his experienced staff look forward to helping you achieve a more youthful appearance with lasting results.
