Tummy Tuck in Wichita, KS
Life sometimes throws our bodies curve balls that we least expect. Pregnancy, age, our genetic draw of the cards, and the emotional demands of everyday life can sometimes set us back a few steps from achieving our ideal figure. Ironically, the stress of our ‘centered’ lives can show up in the very center of our frame, leaving our stomach area lacking in tone and definition. This can even be the case for those who try hard to exercise and diet and whose efforts have still not yielded the desired outcome.
If you feel like any of the categories mentioned above match your concerns, an abdominoplasty may be an appropriate procedure for you. Better known as tummy tuck surgery, abdominoplasty helps patients rediscover firmness in their core, tightness in your skin, and slenderness in their midsection.
Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?
Tummy tuck surgery rejuvenates the areas around the abdominal wall most vulnerable to sagging skin, weakened muscles, and stubborn fat deposits. Often, pregnancy and childbirth can cause the muscles in and around the abdominal wall to separate and the fascia to stretch. A tummy tuck can be advantageous for women who have developed skin laxity, excess fat, and weakened or separated muscles, a condition known as diastasis recti, following pregnancy. Tummy tuck surgery will provide a tighter, more toned core area, restoring firmness and defined curves to your midsection.
Tummy tuck surgery can also benefit patients who have lost a dramatic amount of weight and find that they now have excess folds of skin. Tummy tuck surgery completely removes this excess skin while correcting sagging in the hips, lower back, and abdominal area to reveal the physique that is underneath the loose skin.
How Is a Tummy Tuck Performed?
Tummy tuck surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia; however, IV conscious sedation is sometimes offered for patients who are undergoing a mini tummy tuck.
What Is a Mini Tummy Tuck?
Patients with mild skin laxity on the lower region of the abdomen may benefit from a mini tummy tuck. This less invasive technique carefully tightens the lower abdominal area along a small incision made above the pubic area. The area is inconspicuously closed with sutures.
This technique is appropriate for patients whose laxity is localized to the lower abdomen. This treatment does not address the area above the belly button.
What Is a Full Tummy Tuck?
For patients with more telling skin and tissue concerns, the full tummy tuck is ideal for you. This technique uses an incision across the pubic area from hipbone to hipbone. A second incision may be placed around the navel to address the belly button. Any localized fat is removed, and underlying muscles are tightened. Once the skin is attentively repaired and stretched over the body’s curves, the incision is closed with sutures.
Should I Combine Procedures With My Tummy Tuck?
Combining your tummy tuck with liposuction may provide considerably better results when trying to eliminate fat deposits. The vacuum suction and microcannula technology accurately extract pockets of fat in problem areas, giving you enhanced contouring around the treatment areas.
What Will My Tummy Tuck Recovery Be Like?
Before undergoing abdominoplasty, please ask Dr. Conrad as many questions as you need to feel comfortable and educated in regards to your recovery period. You will be given specific and personalized instructions to help speed up the healing process and secure the sustainability of your results for years to come.
Some of the instructions you may be given to achieve a healthy recovery include:
- How to care for a compression garment
- How to minimize swelling, bruising, and discomfort
- How to care for the surgical site and temporary drainage tube
- How to properly take medication for pain management
Most patients return to work within one week, but more strenuous activities should be avoided until Dr. Conrad has approved them.
When Will I See My Tummy Tuck Results?
As your swelling and bruising subside, your slimmer, sleeker, and more toned body frame will start to become more noticeable. Once fully healed, the restored elegance of your contours can last for a lifetime if properly taken care of.
Interested in a Tummy Tuck in Wichita, KS?
To set up a consultation with Dr. Matthew Conrad or to learn about the cost of our procedures, please contact us by calling (316) 681-2227 or by filling out our online contact form.